Necmettin Erbakan, f.d premiärminister i Turkiet (1996-1997); “Europeans believe that Muslims only came to Europe to earn money. But Allah has other plans. […] We will surely come to power. Whether this happens with bloodshed or not, is undecided.”

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, premiärminister i Turkiet sedan 2003. “Democracy is like a streetcar. When you reach your stop, you get off. Thank God that we are adherents of sharia. Our goal is the Islamic state.”
Två citat som lite visar på de aspirationer som närs bland det islamiska ledarskapet i Turkiet. Och bland Turkar i Tyskland. Härunder syns porträttet på Özgür Ümit Aras, en tyskfödd etnisk Turk med ambitionen att låta sig väljas in i det tyska Bundestag 2013. Kanske han inte alls röner någon framgång, om det vet vi ingenting om. Men hans "programförklaring" visar ändå på graden av lojalitet (eller snarare bristen på detsamma) som finns hos en tämligen stor grupp av Turkar i Tyskland idag. Här finns inte ett uns av tacksamhet, bara otacksamhet och fräckhet. Nedan följer en passage ur ovan nämnda text. "... We will create a better Turkland in Germanland, to show our independence to the European tribunal and assert the necessity of this development. To have our acceptance of our independence and right of self-rule recognized at a European level. This is a legitimate struggle — the naturally given rights of self-rule, self-determination, individual fulfillment and development.".
Our closely settled friends will buy properties, step by step, house on house, until it becomes a precinct, until we are in control of a city. We will fill all the co-ordinating points with Turkish officials, occupy hospitals, police, military, technical emergency services and the highest political offices, like mayor — then nothing more will stand the way of the independent stage of Turkland.

Özgür Ümit Aras; "I have a dream. A freely independent Turkland.” (i Tyskland).
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