
FN;s råd för de mänskliga rättigheterna (UNHRC) tolererar ingen kritik av sharia´n

Om den farsartade situationen i FN;s råd för de mänskliga rättigheterna kan man bilda sig en uppfattning om genom en läsning av följande saxade textavsnitt.

"On June 16, 2008, UNHRC president Doru Romulus Costea announced that criticism of Sharia law will not be tolerated by the UNHRC, based on the complaints and pressure by Islamist delegates to the UNHRC."

"The UNHRC ban on debate regarding Sharia came as a result of a three minute joint statement by the Association for World Education with the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) to the Human Rights Council on women's rights and the impact of Sharia law. These NGOs sought to address international issues of violence against women, specifically, the stoning of women, "honor killings" of women, and female genital mutilation, as a result of Sharia law."

"The Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Islamic Republic of Iran, and the Arab Republic of Egypt vehemently criticized this attempted NGO message, interrupting it via "16 points of order", for an hour and twenty-five minutes per the IEHU. "

"Only religious scholars should be allowed to discuss matters of faith, he (Doru Romulus Costea) told journalists in Geneva."


1 kommentar:

From Sweden with Grief sa...

Mycket obehaglig läsning! Fullkomlig makt och kontroll är vad dessa människor kräver.
Aldrig sharia i Sverige det säger jag bara, trots att muslimerna ständigt kräver det, iallafall för egen del. De vill inte leva under den svenska lagstiftningen.
