Om The Muslim World League kan man inhämta följande information från Militant Islam Monitor org. "Founded in 1962 by Islamic representatives from 22 countries, the Muslim World League (MWL), also called Rabita, is an Islamic non-governmental organization based in Saudi Arabia and controlled and funded by the Saudi government. Its objectives are "to disseminate Islamic Dawah and expound the teachings of Islam…MWL promotes Wahhabism, the extremist form of Islam practiced in Saudi Arabia. In the 1980s, the League's Pakistan office was run by Mohammed Jamal Khalifa, a senior member of the Muslim Brotherhood and brother-in-law of Osama bin Laden. Khalifa was the co-founder of the Benevolence International Foundation and he helped to finance Operation Bojinka, a foiled 1995 plot that would have simultaneously detonated bombs aboard eleven U.S.-bound airliners, blowing them up in mid-flight over the Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea..."
Som arrangör för spektaklet står alltså en organisation som predikar islamisk supremati och som egentligen inte alls är intresserad av dialog, såvida det inte gynnar islams expansion i väst. En organisation där ledande medlemmar har haft direkta kopplingar till jihaddistiskt isnpirerade terroraktioner.
En punktvis sammanfattning av organisationen ges på militant islam monitor.org;
MIM: Information on the Muslim World League
* Islamic NGO based in Saudi Arabia that advances Wahhabi extremism
* Organization's Pakistan office employed al Qaeda operatives
* Oversaw Rabita Trust, a charity that knowingly funded terrorist groups
* Oversees the World Assembly of Muslim Youth, which teaches religious hatred to Islamic children
* Enjoys observer status in the United Nations
Sannolikt kommer vi föra höra många optimistiska och positiva omdömen om konferensen framöver, då västlig media tacksamt sväljer allt islam serverar.