
Israel-Gazakonflikten och Hamas

Bloggens kommentar och i viss mån ställningstagande till den pågående konflikten mellan Israel och det Hamasstyrda Gaza.

Hamas, denna perverterade salafistiska organisation (Hamas) sprungen ur det muslimska brödrarskapet har en majoritet av Gazas befolkning av egen fri vilja valt att ställa sig bakom vid valet 2006 och då får de också stå sitt kast. Organisationen har som uttalad målsättning att utplåna staten Israel och ersätta den med en islamsk gudsstat baserad på sharia, den är ansvarig för raketbesjutningen av Israeliskt territorium och självmordsbombningar inne i Israel, och ändå har man valt att stödja dem. Vad som är mest beklagansvärt är att de har gjort detta val inte bara åt sig själva utan indirekt också för sina oskyldiga barn, vilka många av dem tydligen gladeligen offrar. Detta är bloggens mycket kortfattade ställningstagande i den pågående Israel-Gazakonflikten.

Nedan följer tre citat vilka genom Hamas själva väl speglar rörelsens ideal, mentalitet och syften.

"Allah is its goal, the Prophet its model, the Qur’an its Constitution, Jihad its path and death for the case of Allah its most sublime belief." ( ur Hamas programförklaring)

"Before Israel dies, it must be humiliated and degraded. Allah willing, before they die, they will experience humiliation and degradation every day." (Hamas leader Khaled Mash'al at the Al-Murabit Mosque in Damascus).

"For the Palestinian people death became an industry, at which women excel and so do all people on this land: the elderly excel, the Jihad fighters excel, and the children excel. Accordingly [Palestinians] created a human shield of women, children, the elderly and the Jihad fighters against the Zionist bombing machine, as if they were saying to the Zionist enemy: We desire death as you desire life." (Hamas representative Fathi Hamad)

Över hela Europa hålls demonstrationer fredsdemonstrationer riktade mot Israel och ingenstans har de varit direkt fredliga. Inte ens den relativt islamvänliga bloggen Islam in Europe betraktar dem som verkliga fredsdemonstrationer. Här kan man bland annat läsa; "I don't see these as peace protests. The protesters don't really care about the suffering of Israeli children, some of whom have grown up to a reality of being indiscriminately targeted by Gazan terrorists. Little Green Footballs published a graph of how many rockets and mortar attacks Israel has 'gotten' over the past few years. In 2008, there were more than 1700 rockets and 1500 mortar attacks. I follow Israeli news, but I was shocked at the amount.I did not see anybody protesting against it. Not then, not now.I don't see anybody protesting against Hamas actions against its own citizens either. When Hamas took over the Gaza Strip, threw Fatah people off hi-rises and cut off their legs (they're now undergoing rehabilitation in Israel), nobody protested. Nobody talked of the suffering of the Palestinians. You would expect people who care about the Palestinians to protest when Hamas prevents the wounded from being taken out for treatment. You would expect them to say something when Hamas passes a law allowing for public whippings and crucifixations. Nothing."


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