Det är svårt att finna uppgifter om hur pass frekvent stening förekommer i de länder där sharians hududstraff tillämpas. Jag hittade dock en artikel som entydigt visar felaktigheten i Cherin Awads påstående om att beviskraven är så höga att stening i princip är omöjligt, och att sharians hårda straff mer är normativa och att ses som en moralisk vägledning. Nedan följer en lista på kända fall av stening i Iran under tidsperioden 1980-1997 saxat ur rapporten; "Stoning to Death in Iran: A Crime Against Humanity Carried Out By the Mullahs' Regime. Stoning women to death in Iran. A Special Case Study.".
"* On August 10, 1994, in the city of Arak, a woman was sentenced to death by stoning. According to the ruling of the religious judge, her husband and two children were forced to attend the execution. The woman urged her husband to take the children away, but to no avail. A truck full of stones was brought in to be used during the stoning. In the middle of the stoning, although her eyes had been gouged out, the victim was able to escape from the ditch and started running away, but the regime's guards recaptured her and shot her to death.
* In October 1989 in the city of Qom, a woman who was being stoned managed to pull herself out of the hole, only to be forced back into it and stoned to death. In justifying the murder, Qom's Chief Religious Judge, Mullah Karimi, elaborated to Ressalat newspaper on October 30, 1989: "Generally speaking, legal and religious decrees on someone condemned to stoning call for her stoning if her guilt was proven on the basis of witnesses' testimonies. Even if she were to escape in the middle of the administration of the sentence, she must be returned and stoned to death."
* On July 13, 1997, Kayhan reported that Changiz Rahimi was sentenced to death, stoning and payment of fine for committing murder and adultery.
* On October 26, 1997, six individuals were stoned in Sari, the provincial capital of Mazandaran. This was reported by Salaam daily and international news agencies. The names of the victims were given as Fatemeh Danesh, Masoumeh Eini, Marzieh Fallah, Ali Mokhtarpour, Parviz Hasanzadeh and Kheirollah Javanmard.
* AFP, December 7, 1994: Hamshahri reported that a woman and a man were recently stoned to death in Ramhormouz on murder and adultery charges.
* AFP, November 16, 1994: Abrar reported on Wednesday that three Iranians including a woman were stoned in the city of Sari (northern Iran), after being found guilty of adultery and rape by the Islamic court.
* AFP, 11 November 1995, quoting Jomhouri Islami reported that a man was stoned in the city of Hamedan.
* AFP, June 8, 1996, Hamshahri reported on Saturday that a man and a women were stoned in the city of Oroumieh on murder and adultery charges. Shahin Soltan-Moradi had murdered her husband with the help of her lover, Mohammad Ali Hemmati in November 1994.
* On July 14, 1995, Amnesty International reported that two women by the names of Saba Abdali, 30, and Zeinab Heidary, 38, were faced with stoning in the city of Ilam Gharb.
* On December 7, 1994, Reuters quoted a state-controlled newspaper report by Hamshahri, on a married woman who was stoned to death in the city of Ramhormouz, southwestern Iran.
* Ressalat, March 1, 1994, read: "A woman was stoned to death in the city of Qom."
* Kayhan of February 1, 1994, reported that a woman named Mina Kolvat was stoned to death in Tehran for having immoral relations with her cousin.
* The U.N. Special Representative on the human rights situation in Iran reported to the U.N. General Assembly in 1993: "On November 1, 1992, a woman named Fatima Bani was stoned to death in Isfahan."
* Abrar reported on November 5, 1991 that a woman charged with immoral relations was stoned in the city of Qom.
* According to Kayhan, August 21, 1991, a woman charged with adultery by the name of Kobra was sentenced to 70 lashes and stoning. The verdict was carried out in the presence of local people and district officials.
* Jomhouri Islami wrote on March 11, 1991, that in Rasht (northern Iran), "Bamani Fekri, child of Mohammad-Issa, guilty of complicity in first-degree murder, adultery and incineration of the victim's body; was sentenced to stoning, retribution, blinding of both eyes and payment of 100 gold dinars. After the announcement of the verdict, she committed suicide in prison."
* Ressalat reported on January 16, 1990, that a woman was stoned to death in the city of Bandar Anzali (northern Iran).
* Ettela'at reported on January 5, 1990: "Two women were stoned publicly on Wednesday in the northern city of Lahijan."
* Jomhouri Islami, January 2, 1990: "Two women were stoned in the city of Langrood (northern Iran)."
* Kayhan wrote on July 31, 1989: "Six women were stoned to death publicly in Kermanshah on charges of adultery and moral corruption."
* Kayhan, April 17, 1989, quoted the Religious judge and head of the Fars and Bushehr Justice Department as sentencing 10 women to stoning to death on prostitution charges which were immediately carried out.
* Tehran radio, reported on March 6, 1989 that a women was stoned in Karaj for committing adultery."
* Kayhan, October 4, 1986, reported that a 25-year-old woman named Nosrat was stoned to death in the city of Qom. She died after an hour of continuos stoning.
* On April 17, 1986 a woman was stoned to death in the city of Qom. Prior to being stoned, she was whipped in public.
* In July 1980, four women were simultaneously stoned to death in the city of Kerman.
It must be noted that the cases of stoning in small towns and cities were not included here.
The brutality is not limited to stoning. For example, in late May 1990, in the city of Neyshabour (northeastern Iran), a woman charged with adultery was thrown off a 10-story building. The execution was carried out in public, and the victim died on impact"
Om straffets infernaliskt grymma karaktär vittnar artikel 104 i Irans hududlag;; "Article 104 of the Law of Hodoud provides that the stones should not be so large that a person dies after being hit with two of them, nor so small as to be defined as pebbles, but must cause severe injury. This makes it clear that the purpose of stoning is to inflict grievous pain on the victim, in a process leading to his or her slow death."
"... Att tillämpa stening är i princip omöjligt..." (Cherin Awad i programmet Existens 12 Juli 2003). Och framför allt tänk på vilken storsinthet och barmhärtighet sharian är mäktig till; ".o12.6 .... A pregnant woman is not stoned until she gives birth and the child can suffice with the milk of another." (Úmdat al-Salik/Reliance of the Traveller. A Classic Manual of Islamic sacred Law. Amana Publications. 1994).