

Den indiska halvön drabbades av jihadistiska invasioner i tre omgångar. Den första invasionen inleddes 712 e.Kr av Muhammad bin Qasim och riktade sig mot Sind. Den andra och kanske ännu mer fasansfulla intåget under Mahmud Ghazni inträffade ca trehundra år efter erövringen av Sind. Den tredje invasionen inträffade ungefär 150 år efter Mahmud Ghaznis död, alltså under 1100-talet e.Kr. (The Legacy of Jihad. Islamic Holy War and the Fate of Non-Muslims. Ed. Andrew G. Bostom. Muslims Invade India. K. S. Lal. Promotheus Books 2005. s.433-455). Islams jihad mot Hinduerna skulle enligt den amerikanske historikern Will Durant kunna vara den blodigaste erövringen i människlighetens historia.
Sita Ram Goel skriver; "Islamic imperialism came with a different code - the Sunnah of the Prophet. It required its warriors to fall upon the helpless civil population after a decisive victory had been won on the battlefield. It required them to sack and burn down villages and towns after the defenders had died fighting or had fled. The cows, the Brahmins, and the Bhikshus invited their special attention in mass murders of non-combatants. The temples and monasteries were their special targets in an orgy of pillage and arson. Those whom they did not kill, they captured and sold as slaves. The magnitude of the booty looted even from the bodies of the dead, was a measure of the success of a military mission. And they did all this as mujãhids (holy warriors) and ghãzîs (kãfir-killers) in the service of Allah and his Last Prophet."
Efter segern över Rana Sanga, antog Babur (1483-1530 e.Kr) titeln Ghazi och som ett slags trofé över segern lät man bygga upp en pelare bestående av människohuvuden. Ett liknande torn av hedningahuvuden hade tidigare byggts upp efter framgången vid Chanderi. "We made general massacre of pagans in it. A pillar of pagan heads was ordered set up on a hill northwest of Chanderi (and converted what many years had been a mansion of hostility, into a mansion of Islam". Att bygga segertrofér av de otrognas skallar gjorde redan Timur Lenk, som skall ha skrytit med att ha dödat hundratusentals krigsfångar i Delhi, av vilka han förfärdigade dessa byggnadsmonument.Den eminente indiske historikern K. S. Lal presenterar med hänvisning till ovanstående skeenden följande analys; "Such language is used, such towers of heads of the slain are piled up, only in the case of the Hindus. Similar ideas and actions are not found in Babur´s description of wars against the Muslims in India. The language betrays the psychology developed by the ideology of Jihad contained in the Islamic scriptures. The ideology is not of universal brotherhood. Its brotherhood is confined to Muslims only."
"Ziyauddin Barani, a contemporary of Amir Khusrau, write in i similar spirit. He quoted the disposition of Qazi Mughisuddin before Alauddin that the Hindus were the greatest among the enemies of God and the religion of the Prophet and so needed to be eliminated. It is in a similar vein that he advocates an all-out Jihad against the Hindus in his Fatawa-i-Jahandari. So whether it was a Sufi of the stature of Amir Khusrau about whose liberal credentials every secularist swears, or it was an orthodox Maulana like Ziyauddin Barani, the position of the Hindu idolaters in the Islamic law was given by them fairly correctly. They deserved to be exterminated through Jihad." (The Legacy of Jihad. Islamic Holy War and the Fate of Non-Muslims. Ed. Andrew G. Bostom. Jihad under the Turks and Jihad under the Mughals. K. S. Lal. Promotheus Books 2005. s.457-461).
Denna känsla av överlägsenhet och förakt för icke-muslimen återspeglas än idag i den pakistanska muslimens känslor inför landets lilla kristna minoritet av dhimmis. Om detta kan man läsa i artikeln Dhimmis in Pakistan: Truly Worse than Animals av Amar Khan. Det handlar om ett förakt som ytterst har sin grund i den islamska trilogin; koranen, haditherna och siran, i en ideologi som på religiös grund degraderar och dehumaniserar icke-muslimen;
* "Allah says that unbelievers are worse than cattle and animals" (sura 25:44).
* "The unbelievers are the worst beasts (or worst animals) in the eyes of Allah" (Sura 8:55).
* "Unbelievers are deaf, dumb and blind" (sura 2:18).
* "O ye who believe! The idolaters only are unclean. So let them not come near the Inviolable Place of Worship after this their year. If ye fear poverty (from the loss of their merchandise) Allah shall preserve you of His bounty if He will. Lo! Allah is Knower, Wise." (sura 9:28).
Och det eviga kriget utan slut, jihad mot de otrogna rullar bara vidare; "I have been commanded to fight people until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Mohammed is the messenger of Allah..." (Sahih Muslim 1:33)
"During the last sixty years, from every Muslim majority area of South Asia – without exception – be it Pakistan, Bangladesh or from India’s own Kashmir valley, non-Muslims have been massively driven out to India. This occurred when the Muslim population there achieved political power through majority status. Also, laws and conditions have been put in place to deliberately marginalize non-Muslims. In almost all of these cases, mosques and the clerics played a major role in facilitating this “conquest”.
"In India the Muslim population percentage has increased from about 10 percent in 1951 to about 15 percent now. Even within 85 percent non-Muslim India, in some Muslim majority towns this phenomenon is getting repeated. These South Asian populations share language, food habits and culture but differ in religion. Clearly, these Muslim populations are influenced by political Islam. "
I sammanhanget bör man också avslutningsvis nämna det i hög grad religiöst motiverade folkmordet på Hinduer i Öst-Pakistan 1971. "Written orders were issued by Pakistan’s military high command to kill Hindus in the then East Pakistan in 1971..."
Detta är islams verkliga ansikte!
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