
Inga jihadister i Europa sedan 7/7 sa Fazlhashemi (minns ni det)

En islamistisk jihadistcell som hade den kungliga familjen på sin lista stod nyligen inför skranket. En källa berättar; "They had details of explosives and poisons along with information about London landmarks and a computer folder on Royal residences. We would be foolish to rule out the fact that they may have been planning an attack."

En av de nu dömda, Aabid Hussain Khan 23 år, from Bradford, West Yorkshire, hade sammanställt foton, kartor och allmän info om olika officiella residensers öppettider över nätet. Till de objekt som hade kartlagts hör; the Houses of Parliament, Tower Bridge såväl som tunnelbanesystemen i London, New York och Washington. Khan dömdes till 12 års fängelse medans hans kusin Sultan Muhammad fick 10 år, den yngste av medlemmarna Hammaad Munshi kommer att få sin dom om en månad.

John Parkinson, chef för Kontraterrorism enheten i Leeds säger: "Let there be no doubt, these are dangerous individuals. These men were not simply in possession of material which expressed extremist views. They were also in possession of material that was operationally useful to anyone wishing to carry out an act of violence or terrorism."

"They had details of explosives and poisons along with information about London landmarks and a computer folder on Royal residences. We would be foolish to rule out the fact that they may have been planning an attack."

Operationen som ledde till gripandena drog igång efter det att Khan stoppats vid Manchesters flygplats efter ett besök Pakistan. Telegraph.co.uk skriver, "It took detectives some time to unravel all Khan's aliases and some of the conversations he held in internet chat rooms, which were found on the hard drives, were discovered too late for the trial.". Khan wrote to one recipient: "If you can find a big target and take it out, like a military base in the UK, then praise be to Allah.". "Our group is growing. We need to plan better and to adapt now a few more people are showing interest. We need to confirm and to encourage...I want to have a group of at least 12 if possible".

Domare Timothy Pontius förtäljer efter rättegången att; "Perhaps the most significant evidence was a video showing careful and methodical details about the construction of a suicide bomber's belt packed with ball bearings,". "During the playing of that 20 minute video the stunned silence in court was a telling reflection of the collective horror felt by such a potent demonstration of terrorist resolve." Han sa vidare attbevismaterialet var "significant, compelling and incontrovertible" and the men had shown clear intent."

"You have brought shame on yourselves, your families and your religion," tillade han.
Medan han pratade började Khan's far, Sabir, att skrika: "This is just hype. These are anti-Muslim laws".

Läs mer i Militant islam Monitor.

Som sagt Fazlhashemi inga jihadister sedan 7/7. Denne lärde man kan man definitivt inte lita på, Taqiyya i kubik.


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